30 December 2010

青春开讲5:一步一腳印 實現小心愿

题目: 一年將近尾聲,又是時候迎接新一年的到來。新一年當然要有新希望,期望在新的一年達到什麼心愿……(截稿:31.12.2010




29 December 2010


題目: 又是學校假期的降臨了,這個假期,你打算去哪裡度假?之前,你又去過什么地方、什么國家至今是你游玩過,最流連忘返、最值得回憶的……






28 December 2010

青春开讲3:香蕉 快樂之果…

●題目: 我國擁有各式各樣的熱帶水果,人稱萬果之王的榴槤、果后山竹、西瓜、芒果、哈密瓜、木瓜……種類繁多,但哪種水果你最愛吃,它的美味更令你無法抗拒……







27 December 2010



不少富豪選擇“自食其力”的交通工具或公共交通,像John Caudwell、David Cheriton和Chuck Feeney在進出城市時,都情願走路、騎腳踏車或使用公共交通。這不僅省錢,更可以減少廢氣排放,環保得很。
無論富有與否,一些人情願將大筆金錢花在特別設計的衣服、鞋子,而部份節儉的富豪認為,這些花費根本毫無價值,正如宜家(Ikea)創辦人Ingvar Kamprad儘量避免穿上西裝。
儘管甲骨文聯合創辦人Larry Ellison享受百萬名車、汽艇、飛機,但不少富豪反其道而行,只保留便宜的交通工具。沃爾瑪的Jim Walton駕駛15年車齡的小卡車、印度富豪Azim Premji開的是豐田Corolla。宜家Ingvar Kamprad的坐駕是10年車齡的富豪(Volvo)。他們的概念是,購買一輛可靠的汽車,一直駕下去,沒必要天天換車。
墨西哥富豪斯利姆(Carlos Slim)就算每分鐘花掉超過1千美元,100年也消耗不了整份身家,卻不願意擁有一艘帆船或一架飛機。不少富豪選擇避開這些高檔的物品,巴菲特也是,他說:“多數玩具都令人討厭。”

26 December 2010

“Kong U仔”的生存之道

拜訪一所大學,圖書館是不能不去的。圖書館、實驗室、講堂,構建成大學學術風景圖。如今我在港大圖書館,讀《熱戀建築──與75位香港資深建築師的對話》,追訪幾位港大最早期的建築系畢業生。書中有此句:“一位建築師得到的最高榮譽,不一定是甚麼建築大獎,而是當中的人因你的建築而受益,因你的建築而感動。” 若改成“一所大學得到的最高榮譽,不一定是甚麼排名大獎,而是當中的人因你的教學而受益,因你的教育而感動。”不曉得港大有給學生這樣的感動嗎?
港大生自稱“Kong U仔”,稱呼裡頭藏有身為港大人的榮耀。大馬留學生邱宗佑(19歲)、林行貴(21歲)都是Kong U仔,他們有一友人,來自大陸深圳的劉日文,都是會計金融系的學生。一席閒聊下來便發現了,港大給他們最大的“感動”,莫過於提高了他們作為港大生的生存競爭力。(如果這能算感動的話。)
邱宗佑才到港大兩個月。“我沒來過香港,想像大學自由而輕鬆,但港大,只能用一個字形容:快!時間太少,要做的事、要消化的知識卻很多。你要提高生產力,要work smart,絕不能再慢慢來,有想過太難了不如放棄,經父母鼓勵,總算適應下來。只要懂得善用時間,你可以做的事情還真多。”
他們的dream job,當然就是加入中環價值指標的IFC,國際金融中心裡頭的投資銀行,據說入行基薪是4萬港元(約1萬6000令吉),工作時間是早上9點至凌晨1點。港大生都說只要能進到,可有青春作籌碼!
他們是大一還有閒,大二要實習,大三找工作,時間容不得你拖延。實習時,金融系學生已有最高紀錄領月薪1萬5000令吉!Kong U仔說:“雖然不能以薪酬數字稱英雄,但想來也是許多人所渴望的工作機會。今天的職場,對手愈來愈強,機會也愈來愈少。”
的確,大學該不該成為職業培訓所永遠是個沒完了的辯題,這樣的培訓體制下,港大無可否認一定是栽培出了企業競相拉攏的頂尖人才!但是Kong U仔也都知道:“這樣的體制,是有缺陷的。港大可能栽培出最高薪資排行榜上的畢業生,但就欠缺了像哈佛、耶魯那樣的人文風貌。”
港大已從今年起逐步從3年制全面改成4年制,目標之一就是希望Kong U仔不要只拼學業成績,還要多修通識、跨系選修或到海外大學進行交換計劃,提高全方位能力,讓競爭力“更長遠一些”。而且90後的孩子,資訊的掌握和運用比教授講師快而好,大學課程也得與時並進。
除了通識科有彈性,學費是吸引外國留學生的原因之一。醫學院5年20萬令吉的學費,對醫學院二年級生譚雯儀(馬來西亞留學生)來說“很便宜”,留在大馬的私立大學醫學院5年也要35萬至45萬令吉呢。香港只有兩所大學有醫學院,能進到的都是top mind,每年錄取160人,跟大馬的醫學院一樣難擠。她那一屆只有3名大馬生,2010年這一屆則只有兩個新生。
學生宿舍形成的文化,在Kong U仔的生活裡占主要的部份。港大有11棟宿舍樓,最早的是聖約翰宿舍,建於1912年,也是港大的第一所宿舍,有最濃厚的宿舍文化。每個港大生都以身為St.John人為榮。他們是運動賽Malayan cup常年杯長勝軍。Kong U仔有句話說:“除了馬來人杯,宇宙間沒幾件事能讓我們這麼眾志成城。”Kong U仔的舍堂意識很強,傳統舍堂對壘,場面甚為壯觀。
宿生會(Hall Association)會籌備很多活動,例如剛開學的迎新營、與其他宿舍比拼的球類比賽、高桌晚宴(High Table Dinner)等。住在同一層的宿生通常也會自行組織一些聚會,如一同出外吃晚餐、看電影、糖水會、玩電子遊戲機。

24 December 2010












07 December 2010


    月考失败很容易让你迷失了自己,看低了自己,以为自己就是高考的失败者,甚至是人生的失败者了。其实,一两次失利并没有改变你本来就拥有的知识和能力。我讲一个故事:在一次讨论会上,一位著名的演说家没讲一句开场白,手里却高举着一张20美元的钞票。面对会议室里的200个人,他问:“谁要这20美元?”一只只手举了起来。他接着说:“我打算把这20美元送给你们中的一位,但在这之前,请准许我做一件事。”他说着将钞票揉成一团,然后问:“谁还要?”仍有人举起手来。他又说:“那么,假如我这样做又会怎么样呢?”他把钞票扔到地上,又踏上一只脚,并且用脚碾它。尔后他拾起钞票,钞票已变得又脏又皱。 “现在谁还要?”还是有人举起手来。“朋友们,你们已经上了一堂很有意义的课。无论我如何对待那张钞票,你们还是想要它,因为它并没贬值,它依旧值20美元。(励志一生 http://www.lz13.cn)人生路上,我们会无数次被自己的决定或碰到的逆境击倒、欺凌甚至碾得粉身碎骨。我们觉得自己似乎一文不值。但无论发生什么,或将要发生什么,在上帝的眼中,你们永远不会丧失价值。在他看来,肮脏或洁净,衣着齐整或不齐整,你们依然是无价之宝。”

06 December 2010

曾几何时,我迷失了自己... …





生活的不安定让我却步不敢向前,当打击受得多了,我并没有像传说中的那样变得坚强起来,是我懦弱吗?还是本就不该有太多奢望,在这个物欲横流 ,纸醉金迷的社会里,我的自信心被击打得破碎不堪。


我开始喜欢静静的哼着一首歌,‘曾几何时,我迷失了自己... …’。

05 December 2010


A budget is simply a plan for spending your money (now, does that get you excited?). Yes, most of us love to spend but very few are able to control their spending. A budget is a way to balance the money you have with the money you spend. You create a plan by making choices. You decide what you will spend money on, how much money you will spend and how much money you will save.
Your plan is based on your income and expenses. Income is money coming into your pockets. Expenses are things that take money out of your pockets. Since every person’s income and expenses are different, your plan needs to fit your situation (or your pockets!). Your budget is based on your Goals, Needs and Wants.
Let's take a look at some examples:
Own a Car
Own a Home
Get Married
Set up own business
Provide good education to children
Retire comfortably
Contribute to charity
Quality time with family
Car/ Motorcycle
Mobile phone
Fine dining
Resort-like bungalow
Expensive branded clothes
Expensive vacations
Luxury car
Latest full-featured phone
Most advanced computer
Etc., etc., etc……

As you can see from the above, sometimes it’s hard to differentiate between Needs and Wants. As time evolves, our basic needs may extend to more than just food, shelter and clothing. A salesperson may work more effectively with a car (unless our public transportation system is super-efficient!) In today’s IT age, mobile phones are practically indispensable (even school children thinks so!), so are computers. However, there are cars that costs RM30,000+ while some, RM300,000+; mobile phones of RM100+ and some RM1,000+ and computers that costs RM1,000+ while some can go as high as RM10,000+!
We only Need a few things but our Wants are endless! Is it hard to differentiate now???
Why Should I Have One?
Anyone who has income and expenses needs a budget. Having a plan helps you use your money to reach your goals. You can learn and practice the skills that are needed to make a budget. This money plan will help you to be in control of your money. You can avoid financial trouble and reach your goals easier.
How Do I Start a Budget?
To make a money plan, list your Income and your Fixed Expenses, which are expenses that do not change from month to month, like rent, home and car installments or insurance premiums. Other expenses are Variable, i.e. they change from month to month, like utility bills, clothing or entertainment.
Next, you’ll need to keep track of how you are now spending your money. You can do this by writing down what you buy and how much you spend. This will take some time and effort but it is worthwhile because it will help you see where your money goes. Don’t be too surprised by what you’d learn about yourselves and your money!
For the next 30 days, every time you spend, write down in your planner (use the Excel spreadsheet, if you are tech-savvy) how much you spent and where you spent it. When you pay a bill, pump petrol, go to a movie, give money at church/ contribute zakat or even buying your favourite nasi lemak from the makcik around the corner, record everything down.
At the end of the month, use a calculator to total each column at the bottom of the chart to see how much money you spent in each area. Then, total all the columns to see how much money you spend in an average month. Get your children involved as this will not only sharpen their math skills but also expose them to the concept of budgeting (but a word of caution: they’ll then know when’s the best time to ask for their new toy!)
How Do I Decide Where to Spend My Money?
By reviewing your completed chart/ spreadsheet, you can see where your money goes. It is often helpful to discuss your chart with a counselor or someone you know who manages their money well.
A big part of your money is used for basic necessities like food, housing and clothing. These are needs and you will always be spending money on them in order to live but you can choose how much to spend. Other spending might include buying new clothes, new dishes or new toys for your children. These are wants. While you might enjoy spending money in these ways, you can live without them.
The following questions may help you decide what to do:
·         Which spending can’t be cut?
·         What is the minimum I need to live?
·         Which spending is Needs and which is Wants?
·         What would happen if I delayed some of my spending?
·         Can I buy cheaper substitutes?
Now that you have studied your chart and discussed the questions above, you are ready to make your personal budget. Write down how much money you need for each kind of expense for one month. For example: RM300 for food, RM100 for transportation, RM50 for savings and so on.
Try to set some short-term goals and long-term goals. Some short-term goals might be: limit money for food to RM10 per day, take the bus/ LRT instead or driving to work and check (your neighbour’s) newspaper for free family entertainment. Some long-term goals might be: save RM1,000 for a new refrigerator (energy-saving & environmentally-friendly models would be ideal!), get out of debt or perhaps move to a different neighbourhood (or as some might say, balik kampung!)
How Do I Stick to My Budget?
This is the hardest part, mind you! It will take practice and self-discipline to follow your budget. You are the only one who can maintain your plan. Here are some suggestions that can help you stick to your budget:
·         Pay necessary bills first. If possible, try to stretch your bills out evenly over the month so they are not all due on the same day.
·         Save some money every month, no matter how small. You just want to form that habit.
·         Make a list before you go shopping. When you shop, remember the difference between needs and wants.
·         Plan ahead and buy items on sale. Check out discount stores and garage sales. Share reusable items with family and friends.
·         Stay away from stores or places where you waste money!
·         Learn ways from family and friends to save money and follow a plan.
·         Keep a record of where you spend money and how much money is spent. Make it simple and easy to do. (Tip: the “555 pocket-book” may come in handy!)
·         Compare this record to your written money plan so you can see if you are following your spending decisions.
When Should I Change My Budget?
Don’t panic or feel disappointed if you are unable to follow your budget completely. It takes time and practice to change any behaviour, especially spending habits! You may need to change your budget as your needs or the needs of your family change. If your income increases or decreases, you will also have to make adjustments. The important thing is that you have a plan and that you are in control of your money. 
Last but not least, remember to always “Make Prudent Financial Management a Way of Life!”

03 December 2010

The Outstanding Young Malaysian

The outstanding Young Malaysian (TOYM) Programme originated from The Outstanding Young Persons of the World Programme, which was developed by Durwood Howes, the President of United States Jaycees for year 1930 and 1931. Junior Chamber International adopted the Programme in year 1982.

The TOYM programme was launched by Junior Chamber Malaysia (JCM) in year 1985 to commemorate the International Year of the Youth. JCM then decided to adopt this programme as part of JCM annual Project.

The TOYM programme seeks to accord recognition to young Malaysian between the ages of 18 and 40, whose dedication to their profession or life undertakings has resulted in exceptional achievement, in the form of significant contributions to the progress or welfare of the community at large and to the advancement of their respective fields of endeavour.

The main objective of TOYM is to create public awareness and give proper recognition to the outstanding achievements of the honourees, thereby serving as inspirational examples and incentives to the young Malaysian to forge ahead to greater heights of achievements in the spirit of selfless dedication for the further development of the community.

  • The pyramid-shaped column of five point star cross section resting on a cradle of two open hands;
  • The taper of the pyramid to its pinnacle signifies high ideals, endeavour, aspiration and achievement;
  • The five leading edges of the column represent the five tenets of our Rukun Negara;
  • The five points also represent the five senses, the proper development of which enhances the quality of human life;
  • The star shape of the cross section of all levels of the pyramid signifies light and hope, with those less endowed blessed with hope and aspiration;
  • The cradle of hands signifies mankind. The human spirit supports the ideals of society, sustains achievement and progress;
  • The hands also represent humanity, service to others and the community;
  • The open hands represent peace and love;
  • The steps forming the base symbolises the stages in life that an individual has to go through in progress with time.

    We believe

    That faith in god gives meaning and purpose to human life;
    That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;
    That economic justice can bet be won by free men through free enterprise;
    That government should be of laws rather than of men;
    That earth's great treasure lies in human personality;
    and That service to humanity is the best work of life.

About Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Malaysia

About Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Malaysia

The Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award Gala, hosted for the previous year’s national award recipients from countries around the world, is held annually in Monte Carlo. The Malaysian programme was launched in 2002. Our past country award recipients were
  • Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Francis Yeoh, YTL Corporation Berhad (2002)
  • Y Bhg Dato’ Mohd. Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh, Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd (2003)
  • Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim Wee-Chai, Top Glove Corporation Berhad (2004)
  • Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato’ Professor Dr Lim Kok Wing, Limkokwing Univeristy College of Creative Technology (2005)
  • Y Bhg Dato’ Tony Fernandes, AirAsia Berhad (2006)
  • Y Bhg Dato' Edmund Santhara, Masterskill Education Group Berhad (2007)
  • Y Bhg Dato' AK Nathan, Eversendai Corporation Sdn Bhd (2008)
This marks the eighth year of the event in Malaysia. This programme enables Malaysian entrepreneurs to compete to become the Malaysian Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year®. The Malaysian Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® award recipient will represent Malaysia and will join other country recipients at the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Event in Monte Carlo.
This event in Malaysia will honour four categories of entrepreneurs namely:
Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year (business is between 2 to 5 years old or entrepreneur is aged 35 or under at the time of close of nomination)
Technology Entrepreneur of the Year
Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
Master Entrepreneur of the Year (entrepreneur has maintained management excellence over a sustained period, business founded more than 5 years ago.)

Past Winners
2009 marks the eighth year that the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Malaysia Awards have been run. This programme enables Malaysian entrepreneurs to compete to become the Malaysian Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year®. The Malaysian Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® award recipient will represent Malaysia and will join other country recipients at the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Event in Monte Carlo.

Y Bhg Dato’ A.K. Nathan
Founder and Group Managing Director
Eversendai Corporation Sdn Bhd
2008 Malaysia Entrepreneur Of The Year
Eversendai Corporation Sdn Bhd, founded by Dato’ A.K. Nathan in 1984 is a reputable player in the fabrication, design and erection of steel structures, having been involved in the construction of such iconic landmarks as the Petronas Twin Towers, the Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai and the Burj Dubai – currently the world’s tallest building. In all, the company has completed over 100 projects in Malaysia, Singapore, the Middle East, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand.

Having to curtail his pre-university course due to financial difficulties, he started work as a printing machine operator and subsequently as an insurance agent. With no formal education in engineering, Dato’ Nathan has grown Eversendai to where it is today, with sheer hard work and perseverance. His first foray into the construction sector was accidental, when he was given the opportunity to work on the Dayabumi project where he learnt Japanese project management techniques on the job.

Dato’ Nathan has steered Eversendai into one of the largest steel contractors in the Middle East with fabrication plants in Dubai, Sharjah and Qatar. Eversendai has awarded the “2005 International Achievement Award” by the Construction Industry Board, Malaysia and at the 20th International Golden Construction Award (New Milenium Award). @ Sept 08

Y Bhg Dato' Edmund Santhara
Group Chief Executive Officer
Masterskill Education Group Berhad2007 Malaysia Entrepreneur Of The Year
Dato’ Edmund Santhara ventured into the healthcare industry in October 2004 when, conscious of the acute shortage in healthcare personnel, he took up a stake in the then ailing Masterskill School of Nursing and Healthcare. He upgraded it to college status soon after and aggressively promoted the study in health science fields among high school graduates.
By paving the way for direct entry into health science studies, he made study loans accessible to potential students, a paradigm shift from the traditional pathway via government or hospital sponsorships. Within 3 years, he escalated Masterskill’s revenue from RM 2 million in 2004 to RM 60 million in 2006, becoming an award winning college with a 10,000-student capacity, the largest nursing and health college in the Asia Pacific.
In 2008, Masterskill was upgraded to university-college status known as Masterskill University College of Health Sciences (MUCH). Dato’ Edmund has well-laid plans underway to make Masterskill one of the largest health institute of its kind by 2010 with 20,000 new seats created through its 3 new state-of-the-art branches within Malaysia and the setting up of a university campus with a capacity of 25,000.
An unwavering personification of perseverance, Dato’ Edmund and Masterskill have won numerous international awards for their rapid and outstanding accomplishments. Dato’ Edmund was the 2007 Malaysian Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. @Sept 07

Y Bhg Dato' Tony Fernandes

Founder and Group CEO
AirAsia Berhad2006 Malaysia Entrepreneur Of The Year
Y Bhg Dato' Tony started his career with Virgin Group, before joining Warner Music International London. At a youthful age of 27, he was transferred back to Malaysia to head Warner Music Malaysia where he had twelve illustrious years, his last position being the Vice President ASEAN.His drive to become his own boss led Dato' Tony, with three partners, to takeover an ailing airline. In December '01, Asia's first low cost carrier - low fare, no frills - was born. In a mere 5 years, the airline had formed 2 successful joint ventures in Thailand (Jan '04), and Indonesia (Dec '04), became the first airline in the world to introduce SMS booking (Aug '03), introduced ticket-less travelling, expanded its fleet from the original two to forty-six, and now flies to over 40 destinations in Malaysia, Thailand (Nov '03), Indonesia (Apr '04), Macau (Dec '04), China (Apr '05), Philippines (Apr '05), Brunei (Jul '06), Cambodia (Nov '05), and Vietnam (Oct '06), thereby revolutionizing air travel in these countries.
Since its inception, AirAsia has recorded profits annually despite increasing fuel costs. It is now a public listed company on Bursa Malaysia, having raised RM717.4 million in one of the largest public offering in Malaysia.
In less than 5 years, AirAsia group has carried over 23 million guests and now everyone can truly fly! @ Sept 06

Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato' Professor Dr Lim Kok Wing 

Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology2005 Malaysia Entrepreneur Of The Year
Tan Sri Dato' Professor Dr Lim is a rare combination of a creative mind with sharp business acumen.

Having Joined the advertising industry at an early age, Tan Sri Lim quickly rose through the ranks of McCann Erikson advertising agency to become the Regional Creative Director. He was 29 when Tan Sri Lim founded Wings Creative in 1974 and in less than 10 years, its turnover grew to RM44 million. The mid 80s and early 90s saw him as a strategic communicator, building campaigns for companies, governments and humanitarian causes. With a vision to propel Malaysia as a centre of excellence for education as well as to evoke design consciousness among Malaysians, Tan Sri Lim established Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology in 1991 and in just 12 years nurtured it to University status. Today Limkokwing University is one of Malaysia's leading brands, recognised for international quality education. What started as a college with 200 students in rented premises is today a fully-owned full facility RM100 million campus in Cyberjaya with 4,000 students from 65 countries.

Ever the philantrophist, Tan Sri Lim is closely associated with more than ten charity organisations, and over the years, has received numerous accolades for his many accomplishments. @ Sept 05

Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim Wee-Chai

Co-Founder and Executive Chairman
Top Glove Corporation Bhd2004 Malaysian Entrepreneur Of The Year
Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim Wee-Chai founded Top Glove Corporation in the early 1990s with the vision of exporting Made-in-Malaysia gloves to every corner of the world. In a little over 13 years, under Dato' Dr Lim's visionary leadership, the Group now has 8 manufacturing plants in Malaysia, 2 in Thailand and 1 in China, producing more than 13 billion pieces of gloves annually and exports to 160 countries worldwide. Today Top Glove keeps the Malaysian flag flying high as it is now the world's No 1 disposable gloves manufacturer.

From humble beginnings, Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim stays very focused, dedicated, committed and believes firmly in "Hands-on leadership by example". Being an advocate of good business philosophies, Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim believes adhering to his personal favorite philosophy of `Must Know, Must Do and Must Teach' and this philosophy is imbedded in Top Glove's professional team of senior management and staff. With his strong and disciplined emphasis on quality and excellence Top Glove has won numerous international quality accreditations and excellence awards.

In the pipeline to build more plants to accommodate the world's growing demand, Y Bhg Dato’ Sri Dr Lim is all set to steer Top Glove to double its global market share from the current 12 % to 24% in the next 2 -3 years. Under Y Bhg Dato' Sri Dr Lim's visionary leadership, Top Glove is poised to remain in this premier position for many years to come. @ Sept 04

Y.Bhg. Dato’ Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh

Executive Chairman
Nadicorp Holdings Sdn Bhd2003 Malaysia Entrepreneur Of The Year
Dato’ Mohd. Nadzmi started his career as a professional manager – He was appointed the CEO of Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd and 3 years later as CEO of Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. He made the successful transition to being an entrepreneur in 1996 when he took over the ownership and management of Mara Holdings, now known as Nadicorp Holdings. Despite the Asian financial crisis, he successfully turned around the loss making Group within 1 ½ years with his own innovative management style and by revamping the corporate and operational structure.

Nadicorp is today Malaysia’s biggest Bumiputra conglomerate and is at the forefront of land transportation industry serving 60 million customers a year with 1,200 buses plying 234 routes throughout Peninsular Malaysia. His achievements earned him many accolades, including being inducted into the prestigious membership of the “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. He currently serves as the President of Badminton Association of Malaysia.@ Sept 03

Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Francis Yeoh

Managing Director
YTL Corporation Bhd2002 Malaysian Entrepreneur Of The Year
Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Francis Yeoh is the Chairman of the YTL Corporation group of companies. Since taking over YTL Corp at a tender age of 21, Tan Sri Francis, a Civil Engineer by training, has been instrumental in transforming the family business from a mid-sized contractor into a conglomerate. The Group grew from a single listed entity in 1985 to a force comprising five listed companies - YTL Corp Bhd., YTL Power International Bhd., YTL Cement Bhd., YTL Land and Development Bhd., and YTL e-Solutions Bhd. with a combined market capitalization of RM12 billion with core activities spanning from power generation and transmission, owning and managing integrated water and sewerage facilities, property and hotel development, cement manufacturing, construction contracting to e-commerce initiatives.

With the clear commitment to produce world class products and services at third world prices, the YTL Group has registered an impressive compounded annual growth rate of 55% since 1986. With Tan Sri Francis at helm, YTL Corp achieved many significant firsts and has won many local and international excellence awards including those for corporate governance. Apart from serving on numerous Boards and Business Councils, Tan Sri Francis also promotes arts, music and sports as he believes, other than business, these are important alternative means of communication that represent the best human endeavours. @ Sept 02
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